Many blue and green moons ago Reiko wrote a blog for MS which was entitled 'The Hopes and the Beauty'. Soon after, another one of her wondrous and disturbed entries popped up on MS... 'The Yachts and the People'. These were both run past us before being placed in the global eyes, but still there was no reason. Her mind is as ours... Damaged and deviant. The first blog relates closely to The Rope above as it uses 'beauty' to represent a person, not simply an adjective. Reiko's use of that term repeated throughout hundreds of essays, short stories, and her infamous one-line summaries of society. [As an aside, we already know to whom she referred. She is a strict lesbian and could only have been describing a female, and we know precisely who that person was.] Anyway, the term has resounded in our minds for years thanks to her formidable wordsmithing. To use it here (with her permission, of course) is a sign of respect and appreciation. Reiko employed 'beauty' as well as 'her' quite often and with staggering results as to the direction of her writings.
The second entry mentioned above used the term 'people' to refer to the whole of society -- both past and present. She had a talent for using generalization from a unique standpoint which, as of this date, remains unparalleled in our hearts and minds. When we toss that term into a blog or essay, the power she wielded is simply not present. We try. We fail. She listens. Yikes. Still, the ideas and expressions produced by her pen have had a hand in pressing us into quite the similar mold. Of course, we formulate our own lines but the fact remains that she has been the largest single influence upon our phrasing.
The idea of us bringing Reiko's body of work into this realm is for no good reason other than to give her the respect she so richly deserves. The time period of her fantastic creativity (roughly 2008-2010) was short lived. As was her sanity.
We will not turn this into some sort of twisted requiem for her, but every now and then we must tip our distorted and drunken heads to her and say hello. She is so worth it. She drove us into her heart and into the ground like no other influence on earth. Eventually, her words will be here alongside ours. We have had a short conversation with her (in a fucking bar, of course. She dwells nowhere else.) and the conclusion is that she appreciates the connection to us and feels diminished by the power of the site. We feel equally smalled.
So be it.